Mozambique – Report

Dear Beloved of God, greetings in the Lord’s name. We are well in this part of the world, trusting the Lord that out of COVID-19 the Church may come out stronger than before.

We have been allowed to meet for Church meetings as long has we meet health laid down conditions such as: distancing, mouth mask, handwashing and temperature taking as we gather.

Suspected Terrorist

You may have heard, 4 of our Church planters Mozambicans, converted from Islam, and one of our Missionary, who were arrested on the suspicion of being terrorist, the weapon they were found with them were Bibles.   Meeting 2 of the 6, they said “They were not separated from each other from the time of their arrest, they prayed together and were prepared to die for the course of the gospel although they did nothing dissaving to die”. Prayers ascended on their behalf; the merciful God moved the unmovable. When suspected by national security personnel it is instant execution. Thank you, you prayed.   

Your generosity has touched many families. We appreciate your partnership in this great work. Though the restrictions that came with COVID-19 affected every citizen, it is the town dwellers who have been impacted the most with a lack of food and a rise in mental health, and family problems. 

Thank You For Your Help.

81 families from Maputo Assembly in the past 4month have been helped. Some families’ response to the food parcels has been: “we don’t know what we would have done without the help”. 

While we need to eat every day, we do not want to become believers whose dependence is solely upon receiving help. Over the years, I have learned to preach the gospel and exhort church members to hard work so that local Assemblies are self- sufficient. With much prayer, I decided to empower individuals Leaders in each province. In return the Elder with a micro business will in time teach Believers in his Assembly the same concepts he has learned. The following 5 micro business projects are on trial: 1. Chicken farming   Zambezia province. 2.Honey farming (Bees) in the Zambezia province.

3.Furniture workshop, In Maputo province. Most of the young adults in the assemblies who have graduated from college cannot find jobs. These micro projects have given the young adults involved renewed hope and purpose for the future, and to mitigate the hardship of believers coursed by COVID-19. 4. Macrame & Decoration in Maputo. 5. Homemade coconut oil. In Maputo province We are appealing for advice and partnership from Christian businesspersons as we strive to improve the livelihood of Believers and meet assembly workers needs around the country. 


  1. Maputo Assemblies are back for worship.
  2. The safe release of our missionary and five Nationals
  3. The New Assembly work to flourish in Niassa province
  4. 90 Assemblies are not meeting, pray, we need temperature taking thermometer for each.
  5. We need Brethren Business persons to partner with us in 5 Micro Projects for church sustainers.

Yours in Christ Jesus,

Patrick & Grace Mulenga.