India – Bethel Ministries & Covid 19

India is in total lockdown from March 22nd 2020 onwards because of COVID 19, the most affected are the poor and labour class people. Millions of people are suffering with heart breaking incidents that are being shown in the newspaper and news channels. Throughout India, mainly in the metropolitan cities such as Bangalore, Chennai, Delhi, Bombay and many other big cities millions of labour workers are affected. Lose of jobs and no way to return to their home. The crisis these labour migrants have faced is far worse than US and European countries that are affected by Corona Virus.

We started helping locally surrounding our districts. Because the government officials approached us for supporting the migrants. Our foundation has registered as a charitable (social and religious). We prayed and approached to our fellow beloved brethren’s mostly through WhatsApp, most of you really responded very positively because of your prayers and supports we were able to provide Groceries kits and essentials for nearly 400 families in Tamil Nadu tsunami area and Ooty, more than forty families in Odisha as well as 40 families in Bihar from the beginning of the lockdown till now. In Tamil Nadu and Bihar we have given groceries kits two times till now. And also we helped nearly 50 families of Christian workers(evangelists). Thanks to the Lord for helping us provide and help the most needy people so far, In these times of COVID 19 pandemic.

Still in Tamil Nadu the condition is worsening and many Dalit believers without job nor income are suffering. The help that we gave to the believers is a big help and they are very grateful to the Lord and each one of us. But in practicality, all the support that we have given is not enough. I have asked all the Christian workers to write about their present condition. How the believers are facing the problems. A brother from Bihar said unbelievable things that were happening. As millions of migrants are returning to their home states by foot, by bicycles and food transportation trucks under the summer heat of  44° and above, many people have died while travelling back to their houses.

Another big crisis in the state of Bihar which had zero cases of the virus is having a rise in the number of positive cases as a greater number of migrants are coming back from different cities. I heard a migrant saying that it is better for them to die than to suffer and live to face all the problems. I hope that you can understand their pleading feelings. Please pray for the problems they are facing each day. Thank you for your prayers and support from the depths of our hearts.