Wonderful and lovely greetings come to you from the plains and rolling hills of Rukungiri district South Western Uganda and Marumba Christian School in particular, IN THE MIGHTY NAME OF JESUS.

Marumba Christian School is the community school located in the remote village of Marumba, Rukungiri district, Uganda. The school was established in 2012 by Matsiko Justus as the school director who is one of the key members of Emmanuel Mission Uganda a brethren ministry in Uganda under the leadership of Mwebembezi Johnson and the school’s purpose and vision is to help the vulnerable children and as well poor children from poverty stricken families and also impart Christian values and principles into them.

Since its inception on 30th January, 2012, the school has grown steadily from 30 pupils who first joined the school to 250 pupils in 2019 before COVID-19 came and shattered education system in Uganda and across the globe.

Marumba Christian School has played a key role in the community by providing better and quality education services to the less privileged children who come from poverty stricken families and it has registered a very big success. Most of them have joined some reasonable and affordable secondary schools because of the excellent academic background they have got from Marumba Christian School. A big number of our old students in these secondary schools are in leadership positions especially in scripture unions and they have continued to perform well in academics.

Currently, the school is closed due to lockdown like any other learning centers in Uganda because of COVID-19 pandemic.

Some Brethren Charity organisations and individuals have been instrumental in supporting the school with a substantial amount of funds since 2021, and we would like to give our warm thanks to all of them. They have played a big role in the establishment and development of Maruba Christian School.


  1. Praise God for  His faithfulness and goodness since the school started
  2. Praise God for His provision and continuity of the school
  3. Praise God for teachers’ passion and commitment towards the school
  4. Praise Him that He has kept us alive throughout the pandemic
  5. Praise Him that none of our staff, children or parents died of COVID-19, we praise God for it.
  6. We praise God for all Brethren charity organizations as well as some individuals for having supported the school financially which has kept it moving.


  1. For reopening of schools soon
  2. That all teachers, children and parents will remain safe during and after the pandemic
  3. The school needs more funds for expansion in the areas of land, buildings and also to fix other financial gaps within the operation of the school.
  4. Pray for the parents to meet the needs of their children like scholastic materials, uniforms and other needs
  5. Pray for Marumba Christian School to get connection with some of the Australian Christian schools like Gloves College or any other and support each other in terms of Christian curriculum and other spiritual resources like literature.