Colombia – Covid-19

In Colombia we have already 9 days of total confinement. For two weeks now we have been doing virtual worship in almost all the Churches and for now there are no cases among believers. Preventive measures were taken here, which has allowed for a lot of control. Currently there are 512 infected and 6 deaths, of the nearly 50 million population. There is normal supply and government aid to the poor, but it is not enough for everyone. We have channels to help families. As an Emmaus ministry we started virtual classes with about 160 students from Eliseo Zúñiga’s course “Searching the Scriptures”- Hermeneutics, and encouraging hundreds of brothers who have unfinished courses at home. The Lord has good purposes for the church and the world. Virtual bible study and prayer groups quadrupled the previous face-to-face figures. Thinking about continuing to use this tool should be seriously considered.

We continue to pray for Spain, Italy, and USA especially. But all over the planet. Good time for virtual evangelism. A hug for everyone.